Thursday, March 23, 2006

The simple life.

The simple life.

You may have just thought of a once popular tv show starring two melo-dramatic divas called this very same thing. Ironic if you ask me. The drama that these two girls, Nicole and Paris, stirred up is exactly the opposite the life that I've always dreamed of. The simple life is and should be just that. Simple. To have a life with no drama, no complication, no explanations...just simplicity...this is my dream. I really hate...with all of my heart I hate when others are so starved for attention that they feel they must create something exciting to have joy in their lives. This excitement they are creating is some fictional, illusional world that some how has then convinced is reality. This is beyond me. Life is life. It's not the movies. That's why people like good movies so much...mainly because it never or rarely will ever happen in real life. A movie is an escape from reality. As Americans we pay billions of dollars a year two escape this life which we lead and somehow transforms our minds into thinking we are in a different reality. It's funny...some people do that everyday yet pay nothing. Why can't people be content in the own life they have? Yes, escape away from life for a while and go see a great movie. I do it everytime I can. The difference is...I come back to reality. Some people are convinced their life is just one big drama and that the rest of us actually care to watch it. ha. I know it sounds harsh but these are just my thoughts for today. My challenge: Accept your life the way it is. If you don't like it, then YOU CAN CHANGE IT. But don't lie about, trying to make it something that it's not. And by no means should you try to alter someone else's life. Leave well enough alone. Yeah, that's my advice for today. I have no idea where this came form. Perhaps someone out there just needs to hear it.

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